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menopause fitness training with anne jordan

Menopause Lifestyle Science

Take control of your symptoms.

Push back against the effects of menopause with targeted coaching by me, Anne Jordan. Your Fully-Qualified Menopause Practitioner in Christchurch.

Over my exclusive 12-week programme, I will guide you through the many different symptoms of menopause to help you be more in control.

Menopause – What is it and what just happened to my Body!?

Clinically, menopause is identified as the final menses, confirmed after 1 year without menstruation. It is a natural process that happens to every woman.

“Menopause is a bookend to puberty” – Dr Wendy Sweet (PhD), the difference is all the living that we have done in between! We are just moving into the next phase of our lives. For many of us, we have gone through Puberty, Pregnancy and now it’s the turn of Menopause, which can last for 8–10 years.

There is so much to menopause other than mood swings and hot flushes though!

What are some of the symptoms of Menopause?

Here is a taster of just some of the symptoms you might experience, or be experiencing, right now:

  • Interrupted or lack of sleep
  • Low energy
  • Night sweats / hot flushes
  • Loss of muscle
  • Weight gain
  • Irritability / depression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Dry skin
  • Sore muscles
  • Burning joints / weak bones
  • Low libido
  • Worsening prolapse
  • Brain fog
  • Hairs appear all over the place
Anne Jordan Menopause fitness

I've been there - Menopause isn't fun and sometimes the drug route doesn't work.

For me, the most impactful symptom (and there have been a few) was probably the brain fog and the constant feeling of inadequacy. Does this sound familiar?

There is some good news, there are options out there now to help women, you’ve got everything from HRT, Anti-depressants, Anti-anxiety medications to supplements, if this is a route you need or want to take, this should be discussed with your GP.

Personally, going down the drug route was not something that worked for me or my body, so I decided to do some research and look at other options.

What fascinated me was that everything came back to our HPA Axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-thyroid axis) and controlling this.

Anne Jordan Menopause fitness

What are the Lifestyle changes we can make?

healthy eating in menopause

The HPA Axis controls appetite, sleep cycles, hormones and body temperature, any of this sound familiar?

Stress is also a huge contributor in changing the function of the HPA Axis.  Stress – this comes in many different forms – intensive exercise, sleep stress, psychological stress, kids, home, finances, etc.

Some of the lifestyle changes that we look at are:

Together, we will get your Menopause under control.

If you’re ready to have a chat and discuss some lifestyle changes, then give me a shout. You will receive all of this and so much more from a Fully-Qualified Menopause Practioner.

MyMT Menopause Practitioner Course Cert Badge (Grey)

During the 12 weeks, you will learn how to understand your different symptoms (this can be a long list) and how to make the necessary changes to help relieve each one. Most importantly, you will understand the why. The why is our body behaving like this and why you suddenly look and feel different.

I look forward to hearing from you and working with you to make this transition an easier one into the next phase of your life.

Anne Jordan – Menopause Practioner in Christchurch.

Ready? Let's book you in.

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